Draft Patents (Amendment), Rules, 2023
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, under the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, has introduced draft amendments to the Patents Rules, 2003. These drafts detail various changes
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, under the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, has introduced draft amendments to the Patents Rules, 2003. These drafts detail various changes
The leit motif of the Bill is to create guidelines and institutional framework in academic and research institutions. This Bill will give rise to number of patents because now every scientist getting public money would be under an obligation by law to patent what is patentable. It will also increase the flow of knowledge to industry.
Feeding the world is going to require the scientific and financial muscle of agricultural biotechnology companies. Natasha Gilbert asks whether they're up to the task.
An empirical study of the impact of patenting and licensing on regional manufacturing of human papilloma virus vaccines to help improve vaccine affordability and access.
The introduction of genetic engineering (GE) in plant breeding has been accompanied by the expansion of patent monopolies. Companies have seized on the opportunity to extend the corporate control of agriculture through the patenting of seeds and plants.
<p>The demands of global capital, mediated through the market, are increasingly driving the trajectory of advances in science. Today this acts as the principal barrier to the advance of science as a knowledge system that is designed to serve the needs of the people. The needs of a neo-liberal economic order valorises immediate gain as the principal driver of science.</p>
A proposal to draft a plurilateral anti-counterfeiting treaty among developed countries needs global resistance. (Editorial)
New Delhi: India has foiled a major Chinese bio-piracy bid to patent the use of medicinal plants
Monsanto's way of calculating royalty on its Bt cotton seeds raises serious questions about how tenable it is Latha Jishnu / New Delhi June 24, 2010, 0:11 IST
Vivek Deshpande
An anti-cancer drug extracted from cow urine and developed by an affiliate of the RSS has got a third US patent for its anti-genotoxicity properties. The same extract, developed by RSS backed Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra, had earlier got the US patent as a bio- enhancer with antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs.