

  • 14/02/2004

In the name of development and progress, The Everglades, the home of the Miccosukee India tribe of North America, has turned into a wasteland. A pump owned by The South Florida Water Management District is dumping as much as 16 litres a minute of pollutants from farms and industries into this area. This includes 7,64,85 hectares of land the state leased to the tribe and promised to keep in its natural state. The issue was brought before the Supreme Court. The water managers do not deny that the water pump is illegal but say they have no other place to dump the waste, and that they have been doing so since as long back as 1957.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said the government would file new lawsuits against coal-burning electric units that violate air pollution rules. The EPA would allow companies to replace old equipment with their

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