Choking China: The struggle to clear Beijing's air
As pollution levels return to normal in China's capital after a record-breaking month of smog, what can be done to banish the smog?
As pollution levels return to normal in China's capital after a record-breaking month of smog, what can be done to banish the smog?
Until late November 2009, Phil Jones was just another successful scientist - director of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, UK, and respected by his peers, but hardly a public figure. That changed abruptly when a selection of emails spanning more than a decade were hacked from the CRU and placed on a public server.
Misleading and inaccurate claims published by an Australian anti-vaccination campaign group pose a risk to public health, a government watchdog has ruled. The Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC), the health watchdog for the state of New South Wales, based in Sydney, issued the warning yesterday over information presented on the website of the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN).
<p>If you're a typical westerner, you ate nearly 100 kilograms of meat last year. This was almost certainly the costliest part of your diet, especially in environmental terms. The clamour for people to eat less meat to save the planet is growing ever louder. "Less meat = less heat", proclaimed Paul McCartney in the run-up to last December's conference on global warming in Copenhagen.
<p>IT'S time to abandon the black-and-white fiction that human-induced climate change is fact or conspiracy. Instead, accept that the climate is changing and that there are shades of grey about how fast, how severe the impact will be and what we can do about it.
The evidence is in: the gas we breathe is becoming scarcer
Right-wing think tanks that deny climate change is even happening are advocating climate engineering to fix it. Don't heed them, warns Clive Hamilton.
Is CLIMATEGATE finally over? It ought to be, with the publication of the third UK report into the emails leaked from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU). Incredibly, none looked at the quality of the science itself. (Editorial)
Humans were fiddling with climate thousands of years even before we started farming
After years of defensiveness, a siege mentality and the stonewalling of any criticism, a quiet revolution is under way in animal research. What has triggered this change of heart? It's partly down to the
Methods of mopping up the oil hitting the shore from the Gulf spill must be carefully assessed to be sure they don't do more harm than good.