
Economist (London)

  • The states spring a surprise

    For weeks during the spring, US Congress wrangled over a tobacco bill that would have forced the industry to pay billions towards the cost of treating sick smokers. At first the bill demanded $368.5

  • To catch a whale

    Earlier this year, the Makahs-a tribe of about 2,000 people living in the north-west corner of Washington state-won permission from the International Whaling Commission to kill five migrating grey

  • Financial trawling

    An emerging market in fish quotas is making some fishermen very rich and helping to solve the problem of over-capacity in the industry : a

  • Take up thy bed and walk

    If your spinal cord is severed, you will never walk again, because your brain can no longer tell your legs what to do. Or so the thinking goes. Yet at the annual meeting of the National Neurotrauma

  • What ails Cuba's health service?

    The Cuban government blames the poor state of the country's health service to the American trade embargo. Recent takeovers of non-American pharmaceutical and other medical companies by American ones

  • Look at this

    California used to be America's chief propangandist against smoking, but Masschussets is now back in front. Tobacco consumption in the state dropped by 31% between 1992 and early 1997, more than

  • A black hole in the sky

    Fourteen years and more than $20 billion after its conception, the first part of the International Space Station is about to be launched. Unfortunately, there is precious little for it do once it is

  • Hot market

    On November 2nd, policymakers and environmentalists descended on Buenos Aires for a two-week UN conference on global warming. A similar gathering in Kyoto last year resulted in a dramatic, but

  • Eastern promise

    The trade in medicines between the West and China is not all one way. Traditional Chinese medicine - acupuncture, herbal mixtures and other remedies - is gaining in popularity. According to Kalorama

  • A permanent solution ?

    Some ideas look good on paper. One notable example, is the magnetic levitation (maglev) train. On the face of it, railways in which the carriages are suspended a few centimetres above the track by a

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