
Economist (London)

  • It's better if you're white

    Churches in South-Central Los Angeles are helping female parishoners take their health seriously. Older black and Latina women have fewer mammograms than their white counterparts, putting them at

  • Saved, at a price

    Some of the trees that will be saved in the agreement made by the federal government, the state of California and Pacific Lumber Company to protect the Headwaters Forest, the world's last groves of

  • On the critical list

    Managed care exists to keep costs down. How unfortunate that premiums this year in U.S. will rise by five times the rate of inflation : a

  • Dumping grounds

    Virginia is currently United States' second largest rubbish importer, behind only Pennsylvania. Some 87% of Virginians, according to a recent poll by Virginia Commonwealth University, want to set a

  • Clashes to come

    Bolivia has tried for years to curb its coca industry, not least because the United States has insisted that it must. The main tool has been eradication of coca bushes, with hefty compensation for

  • Farming after the hurricane

    It is nearly four months since Mitch swept through Honduras, while its wide skirts of rain soaked Nicaragua (and to a lesser extent, parts of Guatemala, El Salvador and south-eastern Mexico). The

  • Keep it plain

    Take public concern about the safety of food, add a dash of scientific controversy over genetically modified foods and it is easy to manipulate a series of hysterical headlines. For the past 10 days,

  • Shaman loses its magic

    It was a tree-hugger's dream. Save the rainforests. Respect and honour the knowledge of the people who live there. And still make money for your shareholders. Unfortunately, it doesn't look as though

  • Medicinal light swords

    Making sure that a medicine works only in the right part of the body is tricky. Using drugs that must be illuminated to become active might be the solution : a

  • Is it crime or culture?

    If Article 299A of Senegal's penal code were fully applied, some 1m-2m Senegalese would go to jail. The amendment, which parliament passed last month, makes it a crime to carry out female genital

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