
Economist (London)

  • Helping, but now developing

    Corporate images are as hard to clean up as oil spills, to judge by the experience of Royal Dutch/Shell's subsidiary in Nigeria. A report commissioned by Shell but prepared by independent

  • Saving the rainforest

    A report from the World Conservation Union and a Washington-based organisation, Future Harvest, says that biodiversity hotspots are often being threatened by the demands of agriculture. But the

  • The new cosmopolitan

    Last month the hemisphere, this month the world. George Bush says he is sick of America "failing to make the case for trade" worldwide. Yet much of the blame is his. In the field of trade, the first

  • Small is all right

    If the world had needed saving, it would have been wrong to expect an event such as the UN summit to raise to that challenge in the first place. Happily, though, the world does not need saving. On

  • How green is our Tony?

    Championing green growth on the world stage is one thing. Makig it happen at home is another. This week Tony Blair toured Africa preaching the gospel of sustainable development -a woolly notion

  • Gambling with lives

    A fund to help pay for efforts against AIDS and other diseases deserves generous support. Mr. Annan says $7 billion-10 billion a year, or more, is needed. Opening bids from donors are expected by

  • A dynamite idea

    Diatomaceous earth may soon protect tropical crops against insects. The study was conducted by Tanya Stathers of Greenwich University in England and Zimbabwe's Institute for Agricultural Engineering.

  • Towards efficient farm support

    The World Trade Organisation is girding itself up to launch a round of trade talks in November. Despite failing to agree a deal with America this week, China still hopes to seal its WTO membership

  • Butt surely not $3 billion?

    On June 6th a jury in the LA County Superior Court ordered America's largest tobacco firm to pay $5.5m in compensation to Richard Boeken, a smoker with cancer-oh, and a cool $3 billion in punitive

  • Too many boats for too few fish

    Negotiators from the already overfished European Union-which this week proposed a 50% cut in cod and hike catches in the North Sea are currently trying to secure continued access for their fleets in

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