
Economist (London)

  • Digging for defeat

    According to the United Natons Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), most of Iraq's farms are in bad state. The combination of international sanctions and government neglect has brought ruin to

  • Repositioning the WHO

    The World Health Organisation is about to be given a much-needed kick in the backside : a

  • Pressure paints

    John Sullivan of Purdue University, in Indiana and his colleagues have developed a paint that can sense temperature and pressure. The sensing is done by a luminescent molecule, such as ruthenium

  • Salmon stand-off

    Is peace at hand in Canada's bitter dispute with the United States over the sharing of Pacific Salmon? A report by two special envoys, which both governments have accepted, has raised hopes. But big

  • Foot, mouth, farm, subsidy

    Having begun life three weeks ago as a British problem that merely alarmed farmers and politicians elsewhere, foot-and-mouth disease is starting to have international, even worldwide effects. The

  • Australia and the environment

    According to a recent report by New South Wales's Environment Protection Authority, 9% of the Australian continent was forested when the first Europeans stepped ashore in 1788; only 5% remains

  • The plague

    A quarter of a million South Africans were killed by AIDS last year. According to official figures released on March 20th, the epidemic is getting worse. Last year, roughly 4.7m South Africans-one in

  • Butterfly balls

    A set of six papers, written in collaboration by 29 researchers and published on the website of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that genetically modified maize in not that

  • Hunger strikes

    Around the world, an estimated 815m people are undernourished, according to a new report from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Five years ago, 186 countries proposed to halve the number

  • Remade in Japan

    On April 1st, a new law went into effect requiring owners of discarded refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners and washing machines to pay as much as $61 to have their used good taken away and

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