Govt assures a new CZMP with people’s views
Plan to be drafted by Environment Department in consultation with CZMA, GSPCB, scientists PORVORIM: In a major victory to the people, the State government on Tuesday announced it woud draft a fresh
Plan to be drafted by Environment Department in consultation with CZMA, GSPCB, scientists PORVORIM: In a major victory to the people, the State government on Tuesday announced it woud draft a fresh
Residents of Guleli-Satteri have decided to protest against the proposed mining activities at Kankeri and Murmune in Guleli.
Mineral Foundation of Goa (MFG) came into existence in December 2000 to effectively address the social and environmental issues in the mining belt of Goa.
Mauvin says it
While the new trenchless technology to lay sewer lines may bring relief to citizens hit by overflowing soakpits and septic tanks, there
By Venita Coelho T he RP2021 is finally out. Every Panchayat ghar has maps displayed on its walls
Voicing its opposition to the proposed Regional Plan 2021, the special gram sabha at Kalay village in Sanguem has passed a resolution seeking a three-month period to place their objections before authorities. During the gram sabha, residents complained that the plan was flawed and was solely based on satellite pictures.
Even almost a year after the Digambar Kamat government decided to scrap the Special Economic Zones from Goa, the Centre seems to be dragging its feet over the recommendation made by the State government. The State government bowing to the public outcry had decided to scrap all the 15 SEZs (including three notified) and conveyed the decision to the Centre.
The Goa Mineral Ore Exporters Association on Sunday welcomed the Central governments decision to reduce the export duty on iron ores. According to reports, the Centre on Sunday announced Rs 20,000 crore additional non-plan expenditure as part of the package to stimulate the economy. Reports said, this also included reduction in export duty of mineral ores.
Margao Municipal Council much-hyped awareness drive on waste segregation at source in association with TERI on Monday turned out a damp squib, with the program evoking lukewarm response from the stake holders, including City Fathers.
Two days after the commissioning of a night soil tanker, there