First white paper on PV development in India
India is poised to expand its role in photovoltaic manufacturing and use, and to become a global leader in this technology.
India is poised to expand its role in photovoltaic manufacturing and use, and to become a global leader in this technology.
Speakers at the Renewable Energy Technology (RETECH) Conference and Expo 2009 painted a rosy picture for the renewable energy industry. Some said that 50% of the US electricity could come from renewable energy by 2050.
The current economic downturn consitutes an opportunity for a sustainable future. But there is a risk that the EU member states free themselves of their responsibilities laid down by the renewable energy directive.
The current turbulence on the market does not change the basically positive trends in solar energy if we can believe the latest sustainability study conducted by Sarasin. Nonetheless, change is afoot.
With the aid of small island PV systems, a German-based aid foundation is bringing light in the huts of Ethiopia's rural population. The solar energy is also awakening the energy of the people themselves.
Spain's Ministry of Industry investigates large scale PV plants after construction and finds two-thirds false reports. Unfinished projects are now threatening to exhaust the quota for 2009.
Research into new storage technologies is a field in which much is afoot. After all, if heat supply is to be based on solar energy in the future, this calls for more effective storage tanks than those available today.
Austria is considered a European leader in the use of solid biomass for heat and power generation. But a new environmental policy could jeopardize the success of the past few years.
Farmers are not alone in keeping a close eye on the weather-in the control centres of the energy sector and on the trading floor of the electricity exchange, too, it is always good to know exactly when the wind will be blowing or the sun shining. The special services offered by meteorologists are here invaluable aids to decision-making.
The US wind power market has put on a breathtaking turn of speed in the last few years. And now, the incentives have been improved and the supply chain strengthened.
It keeps on growing and growing - the installed capacity for renewable energy sources. Some regions in Europe are doing especially well out of the renewable energy industry.