Renewable Energy Prospects for Central and South-Eastern Europe Energy Connectivity (CESEC)
Renewable sources could cover more than one-third of energy demand across the Central and South-Eastern Europe energy connectivity (CESEC) area cost effectively by 2030, regional Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) analysis shows. This study from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) offers a full energy system perspective, examining impacts on energy costs, investment plans, supply security and fossil-fuel consumption, along with, climate, the environment and people’s health. CESEC brings European Union (EU) countries together with eight non-EU Energy Community members in a key step towards forming an integrated pan-European energy market. The COVID 19 crisis underlines the need for renewables to drive economic competitiveness, strengthen energy security, ensure affordability, create new jobs and improve air quality across Europe. Central and South-East Europe’s energy systems could be transformed through massive uptake of cost-competitive renewable power generation, efficient electrification of heat and transport, and increased investments in sustainable bioenergy across the regional system, the report shows.