Evicted by Climate Change: Confronting the Gendered Impacts of Climate-Induced Displacement
Climate-induced displacement is an option of last resort. It preys on those who are unable to adapt to the ecological and social consequences of climate change, whether due to lack of resources or other inequities. For most of these people, climate-induced displacement is triggered by direct physical harm from extreme weather events or slow-onset impacts, but also by indirect consequences on food insecurity and conflict over natural resources and land rights. According to UNOCHA, 8 of the world’s worst food crises are linked to both conflict and climate shocks. Out of the 33.4 million newly displaced people in 2019, 70% were due to climate-related disasters. Over the past 10 years (2008-2018), 90% of the people displaced by disasters (approx. 23 million people) have had weather-related triggers.