Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding industrial pollution along Jojari river, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 11/12/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Gram Panchayat ARABA Vs State of Rajasthan & Others dated 11/12/2019 regarding Jojari river pollution, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Counsel for Central Ground Water Board submits that they have by now inspected around 1000 units out of which 42 units were found illegally extracting ground water and the same has been sealed.
Further, he submitted that the inspection with regard to the remaining units was going on and they would expedite the process. They are directed to complete the inspection within a month. The Central Ground Water Board is also directed that in respect of the industries which are found to be illegally extracting under-ground water, information should immediately sent to the State Pollution Control Board, to proceed in accordance with law.

A copy of the reports be also sent to State Pollution Control Board to proceed against the units which are also violating environmental laws. General Manager, ISRO, Regional Remote Sensing Centre, Jodhpur has submitted arial photographs and other information of the discharge by the industries in open land, nallahs and rivers. In response to it, the NGT has directed the General Manager, Isro, Regional Remote Sensing Centre, Jodhpur be present before the Tribunal on the next date of hearing.