Originally called www.purefood.org, the website is the project of Organic Consumers Association (OCA). This site focuses on safe and sustainable systems of food production and consumption.
The site lists various campaigns of the organisation to drive out genetically engineered food off the market. The recent and most prolific campaign is against Starbucks coffee urging them to remove genetically engineered ingredients like soy derivatives and corn sweeteners from their products. Another OCA campaign is directed against grain exporters and the US government to stop dumping genetically engineered corn in centers of bio-diversity like Mexico and on consumers worldwide.
Informative articles and news provide information about various issues like food irradiation, toxic food, bovine growth hormone, cloning and patenting. There is also a list of various contaminated food and organic meat, coffee and other consumables.
The article by Ronnie Cummins on genetically engineered food products and the need for a global moratorium provides an insight into the hazards of such food.