
Economist (London)

  • After Venezuela's flood

    The worst hit in Venezuela's flood was a 100-kilometre stretch of coast, mainly in the small province of Vargas, where whole towns were buried. In an operation involving warships, helicopters and

  • Like herrings in a barrel

    In 1,000 years, the human race has multiplied 20 fold. Today's 6 billion people may be 9 billion by 2050. Yet the increase has slowed; rich nations breed less : a

  • Depleted NATO

    The row about depleted uranium is one that NATO could have done without.It has only itself to blame. The critics draw attention to the 1991 Gulf War, when scores, if not hundreds f American

  • Don't ban smokers

    At the end of last year, a town called Friendship Heights, in Maryland's Montgomery County, approved America's strictest tobacco policy. Town officers banned smoking on all public property. This

  • Uranium's fans

    Bernard Kouchner, the French doctor who is about to step down as UN's administrator of Kosovo, ran into some flak at a meeting of the province's ethnic-Albanian leaders, where the row over the risks

  • A bad habit broken

    On the roads of North Carolina it is not unusual to see cars sporting bumper stickers that pointedly proclaim "Tobacco pays my bills" or "I smoke and I vote." This state in United States leads in the

  • Balms for the poor

    Infectious diseases hinder developing countries from developing. Making existing drugs cheaper there would help. Making entirely new drugs would help even more : a

  • Summer's toll

    More than 250 related deaths have been reported in 21 states in the mid-west and the east of the U.S. since July 19th. The Chicago area is hardest-hit: 100 people are known to have died to

  • Sticky labels

    Applying labels to novel foods sounds like an easy way to balance the opposing wishes of producers and consumers. The reality is more complex : a

  • Dead reckoning

    Being a Russian these days is a risky business. In 1959, a Russian baby boy could have expected to live, on average, to the age of 65. Forty years later the figure is 61-less than an Egyptian or a

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