
Economist (London)

  • Ol'black-foot is back

    The Conata Basin, in South Dakota's badlands, is parched, scrubby and desolate-hell for humans, but heaven for black-footed ferrets. This resilient creature, the only ferrets. This resilient

  • Pill paupers

    It has been another week of long arguments at the World Trade Organisation over how to implement last year's Doha agreement on getting cheaper drugs for poor countries. The main dispute has been over

  • Of secrecy and madness

    The official inquiry into the UK government's handling of mad cow disease has finally been reported. The inquiry began work more than two years ago and its report runs to 16 volumes. It is one of the

  • Lightening darkness

    A new invention developed at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore and designed by Adham Ayoub, a visiting Egyptian researchers had designed an intraocular implant for eyes

  • The flying doctors of Cuba

    When, on October 18th, the United States Congress agreed to end 40 years of sanctions on the sale of medicines to Cuba, the announcement had a slightly pathetic ring. For, despite those sanctions,

  • Pink coral into grey rubble

    Marine biologists, studying the death of coral reefs in the Indian Ocean-stretching from South Africa to India, plus all those islands-have provided dramatic evidence of global warming. A study

  • Lambs to the slaughter

    The Philips report into the origins of BSE (mad cow disease) and its human equivalentk, VCJD, was a cautious, unhysterical document. But if the release of the report last week was meant to help calm

  • Life's a bleach, and then you die

    In 1998, 16% of the world's coral reefs, in a swathe stretching from Brazil to the Indian Ocean, were severely damaged by what is known as "coral bleaching". One of the results of the ninth

  • Chidambaram Subramaniam

    Chidabaram Subramaniam, a green leader of India, died on November 7th, aged 90. It was Subramaniam who got the wheat, a new variety growing, skilfully guiding the project through India's bureaucratic

  • Hotting up in The Hague

    Amid much fanfare, a UN summit on global warming is being held in the Netherlands. Should anybody care? : a

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