
Economist (London)

  • Still green

    The Liberal Democrats in Britain remain the greenest of the three major parties, and the party's environmental beliefs are spelled out on every page of its mini-manifesto "Freedom in a Liberal

  • Burning issue

    Governments should reduce their petrol taxes, but at the same time raise taxes on other, dirtier, sources of energy : a

  • Oil's taxing times

    Protestors outraged by high petrol taxes brought parts of Europe to a halt. But are taxes really the root cause of the oil crisis? : a

  • The dawn of micropower

    Much of the world gets its electricity from big, inefficient and dirty power plants situated far from consumers. That will soon change : a

  • The electric revolution

    Power is every bit as big a business as telecoms. America's $220 billion electricity market is larger than those for cellular and long-distance telephony combined. The secret to this revolution lies

  • Pump fiction

    Volatile energy prices have made energy an unlikely campaign issue in U.S.-and prompted a lot of hypocritical nonsense from the two presidential candidates. How could America use less oil? : a

  • Running scared

    The concern about nuclear waste contaminating the sea and beaches has led the Danish and Irish governments to call for the closure of Sellafield's spent-fuel reprocessing plant, which opened only in

  • Hoping for a gusher

    This month, after years of planning and many delays, the Offshore Kazakhstan International Operating Company (OKIOC) finally began drilling its first well in the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea in

  • The gas rush

    A major gas discovery in the basin of Wyonming's Powder River has led to a gas rush. The pipeline that will pass through Clearmont (U.S.) will not carry the usual cocktail of raw hydrocarbons found

  • Stepping on the gas

    Mention hydrogen energy and the reaction can be wild. Talk of fleets of buses powered by fuel cells produces jibes about "rolling hydrogen bombs". This is unfair: properly handled, hydrogen is as

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