
Economist (London)

  • Exposing a dirty secret

    Despite claims by Chinese environmental officials, rapid industrialisation is turning water supplies into black toxic soup : a report.

  • Following the plough

    Two papers published recently in Science have helped to pinpoint the origin of malaria-the most lethal tropical infection until Aids came on to the scene. According to work published by Sarah

  • Careless in a dry country

    The qantas, which for centuries channelled sub-surface water to Iran's countryside, are drying up. Destitute farmers are migrating to the cities, where even drinking water is running low. Rasoul

  • Freelance conservationists

    Private parks are springing up all around the world. If conservationists are to achieve their goals, therefore, they must work with the private sector : a

  • No foul water, no waterfoul

    Britain's shores are home to a wide range of birds, many of which thrive on molluscs and worms which, in turn, have for years lived happily off the hundreds of tonnes of sewage poured daily into

  • Feast or famine?

    The world's population is forecast to reach 7.5 billion by 2020, and growing prosperity, especially in China, is fuelling a rising appetite for meat and cereals. Yet it is becoming harder to find new

  • Movement difficulties

    Research in Hawaii suggests that constipation, especially when it defies laxatives, could be an early symptom of Parkinson's disease. The more constipated you are, the more likely you are to go on to

  • Stump war

    Canadian wood producers have begun to shut mills and lay off thousands of workers in response to a decision in early August by America's Commerce Department to impose a 19% countervailing duty on

  • Only a matter of time

    New research suggests that the secret to living long may be a matter of having the right genes. Annibale Puca, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Boston, and his colleagues compared the

  • Confession time

    After failing for months, if not years, to come publicly to grips with a fast growing problem of HIV and AIDS, Chinese health officials on August 23rd pulled their heads out of the sand, at least

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