
India Today (New Delhi)

  • Filling themup

    Bangalore wakes up to the loss of its wetlands. After years of negligence, a little known body gets down to restoring the city's 600 odd

  • Changing the course

    Link 37 rivers to transfer water from surplus areas to regions facing scarcity through 30 links across 9,600 km, connecting 32 dams and using 56 million tonnes of cement and two million tonnes of

  • The dollar look

    NRIs change the face of their ancestral villages, not just their homes. It is the paradox that struck two NRIs on one of their visits to native Kharoudi in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab some years

  • Rustic motivator

    An anganwadi worker harnesses people power to change lives in Orissa.It was Jemamani Munda who enthused the tribal of Kendujharghar district with her indomitable spirit and urged them to work

  • Poisonous priority

    The JPC on cola norms is a violation of the sanctity of Parliament. This is absurdity of the first order. And it comes from a government that seems to have lost faith in itself and its institutions.

  • Organic solution

    The Participatory Biodiversity Conservation Programme of the Society for Environment and Development (ENDEV) covers 10 villages of West Bengal and involves 200 students, 20 from each village, besides

  • Reaching for the moon

    In a big leap, India finally clears a lunar orbiter and kicks off its plans to launch ambitious planetary

  • Jurassic Bagh

    The discovery of India's first predator dinosaur, Rajasaurus narmadensis, in Gujarat may not only help explain why dinosaurs died but also how the continents

  • Divine intervention

    No prophet is honoured in his own country. Nobody will understand this biblical adage better than Karnataka Chief Minister S.M. Krishna. The padyatra he launched last week whose aim, cynics say was

  • Asia, the new 'Recycle' Bin

    One has heard of E.Coli as a health hazard , now comes e-waste generated by the hi-tech computer industry. With one of the highest rates of obsolescence, junked PCs and accessories like printers and

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