
India Today (New Delhi)

  • Doctors on the rounds

    The Uttaranchal Mobile Hospital and Research Centre (UMHRC), was flagged off by President A P J Abdul Kalam two Octobers ago. This is a unique initiative aimed at bringing basic healthcare facilities

  • The high road ot recovery

    The 2001 earthquake in Gujarat reduced human habitations to rubble. But with efficient planning and implementation of the reconstruction, ravaged towns like Bhuj are springing back to

  • Fast trot to oblivion

    The confiscation of rs 13.4 crore worth of seahorses in Chennai points to a racket thriving on the endangered species and turning the marine-rich Gulf of Mannar into an ecologial

  • Hospitality industry

    Complementing healthcare with tourism is the new mantra that has been foreigners flocking to India for

  • Missing girl child

    Rampant misuse of modern technology, a collective failure of medical ethics and an inability to shed notions of a male heir have pushed female foeticide in affluent India to a schocking high. 16

  • The byte back

    Toxins from unregulated recycling of gadgets give India a glimpse of the dark and dangerous side of the information-technology

  • Greenpeace's Indian voyage

    For the 20 people who died in Alang, Gujarat, this year in three explosions while breaking ships, it may be small consolation. Yet, the recent climbdown by some leading global shipping companies,

  • Native drive

    Travelling in rural Saurashtra in Gujarat isn't any exciting all around you are miles upon somnplent miles of a dusty grey landscape. And just when you are tiring of the drabness, a flurry of colour

  • Thirsty....

    Water is now the No.1 problem in urban India as seen in Aurangabad in Maharashtra. Three crore people, or every third person in the state, today depend on tankers for their daily

  • Sea change

    When a US container carrier leaves the port of Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu this month, it will mark the beginning of the end of a case that is a landmark in environmental activism and corporate

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