Creative India: tapping the full potential
India’s creative economy is large, but its untapped potential is even larger. This study provides the first reliable measure on the size of India’s creative economy, explores the many challenges faced
India’s creative economy is large, but its untapped potential is even larger. This study provides the first reliable measure on the size of India’s creative economy, explores the many challenges faced
The paper examines the impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the Indian seed industry. The data used in the study have been taken from the reputed published sources. The study brought out that as long as Indian farmer continues to be a grain producer and does not convert himself into a 'commercial seed seller' of the protected variety, he would be unaffected by the Plant Breeder's Rights.
The confiscation by Dutch customs authorities of a shipment of the pharmaceutical
Sparked by the confiscation of a generic drugs shipment in Amsterdam in December, and similar incidents that have come to light since, poor countries
The World Trade Organization (WTO) was set up in 1995 and has been the custodian of all matters related to the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement endorsed by the 152 member countries. WTO is therefore the most important body which monitors and influences working of global intellectual property rights protection in all the member countries.
This working paper by the Ministry of finance examines issues of climate change related to development and finance. Clarifies India
Patent bill may be pushed through Parliament without debate THE Ministry of Science and Technology has introduced a bill in the Parliament that may make life-saving drugs unaffordable for poor people. The bill gives scientists and researchers in government-funded universities the right to patent innovations and research outcomes. This includes medical research and patenting drug
The Government has put in place a new patent regime in January 2005 keeping in line with the WTO commitments. Under the regime a 20 year product patent regime was introduced for food, drugs and chemicals. At the same time, adequate safeguards were introduced to protect the interests of domestic industries, particularly, the pharmaceutical industry.
Intellectual property is already a big component of global trade and rising. Consequently, the number of crossborder disputes and multiple infringement suits related to patents is also increasing. Their resolution is complicated because the scope and coverage of patent protection differs from country to country.
NAGAON, Jan 21
Herbal medicines in most developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America have played a central role in health-care since time immemorial. All the stakeholders involved in medicinal plants sector should now consider the issue of sustainability to get the benefits.