

  • Dark secret

    Dark secret

    How plants survive during night

  • Healthy employment

    Trade unionists and environment experts from around the world have agreed that environmental rights such as access to clean water, health care and energy be made part of workers rights.<br><br> The decision was taken during a conference on labour and environment organised by the United Nations Environment Programme in Nairobi from January 15-17, 2006.<br>

  • Bush fires spread very fast

    It is the turn of the Indian energy establishment to be engulfed in the fire lit by President George Bush on nuclear energy. Bush says it is the safest, cleanest, cheapest option. So prime minister

  • It's dark outside the TV grab

    In this day of television grabs, policies are about slugfests. The logic of the grab is that any discussion must be heated, with sharply divided positions clear proponents and opponents. It is a

  • Talk technology, not subsidies, to benefit the poor

    The C Rangarajan committee to review prices of petroleum products says that the government should increase the price of liquefied petroleum gas lpg

  • Oil exploration, coal mining and power generation project: foreign group to invest $200 billion in Sindh, says Soomro

    Caretaker Prime Minister, Mohammedmian Soomro Sunday said that an entrepreneur group from United States and Canada will jointly invest in oil exploration, coal mining and power generation project in Sindh with an initial investment of $200 billion. Prime Minister said the foreign investment will help the country attain its goal of self-reliance in power sector. He was talking to the media after a call-on by a foreign investors delegation at his residence here. He said he was glad for the trust showed by the foreign investors in Pakistan.

  • Green Mobile Phone: Stylish and Sustainable

    Nokia has unveiled ReMade, a revolutionary mobile phone made of 100% recycled materials. The idea behind the "remade'

  • Govt to form another committee to review coal policy, says Tamim

    The special assistant to the chief adviser, M Tamim, on Wednesday said that they would form another committee to review the current draft of the coal policy although a citizens' commission has declared that the government should not make changes, except to amend one clause.

  • Danish Guest Asks Bush to Back Climate Treaty

    With less than a year to go in office, President Bush has begun offering valedictory courtesies to favored foreign leaders, including a much coveted ranch visit this weekend to the Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Despite his obvious delight at being invited to Mr. Bush's ranch, Mr. Rasmussen wanted the president to reciprocate his loyalty, providing support for Denmark's efforts to negotiate a new global warming treaty when it is the host of a conference next year in Copenhagen. Mr. Bush told reporters on Saturday, "We talked about climate change, more than once, as I showed him my ranch and how we're conservationists in Crawford.' Mr. Rasmussen, in turn, described Mr. Bush as "a convinced environmentalist' and world leader on the issue. But it remained unclear whether Mr. Bush was offering anything beyond a rhetorical blessing. The administration has long been at odds with many European countries that would like to forge a new treaty with mandated limits on greenhouse gas-causing emissions. Michael Oppenheimer, a Princeton professor who has called attention to the issue of global warming, said in an interview that a Bush administration pledge about reducing global warming would lack credibility because the administration had opposed many domestic programs to save energy and cut oil consumption. "No one will take this as anything meaningful,' he said. Professor Oppenheimer also noted that Mr. Bush would be long gone from office when dozens of nations meet in Copenhagen at the end of 2009. Mr. Bush offered a favorable interpretation of Denmark's decision to withdraw most of its forces from Iraq, saying the action was based on "the policy of

  • Oil firms worried about tax changes

    DAY-2 BUDGET 2008-09 IMPACT/ OIL AND GAS The exclusion of petroleum and natural gas from the broad category of "mineral oil' has put players in the oil and gas sector in a tizzy. Producers of oil and gas and refiners of crude oil were claiming an income tax exemption under Section 80-IB (9). The Budget proposes an amendment to this section, which says "mineral oil does not include petroleum and natural gas'. ONGC, the country's largest oil and gas production company, is estimated to save close to Rs 4,000 crore annually through this window. Companies slated to begin oil and gas production were planning to seek tax exemptions under this provision. "There is just no clarity on the issue. It contradicts commitments made under Nelp agreements. We will be formally seeking a clarification from the finance ministry,' said a senior official with Reliance Industries.

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