First food: business of taste
Good Food is First Food. It is not junk food. It is the food that connects nature and nutrition with livelihoods. This food is good for our health; it comes from the rich biodiversity of our regions; it
Good Food is First Food. It is not junk food. It is the food that connects nature and nutrition with livelihoods. This food is good for our health; it comes from the rich biodiversity of our regions; it
<b>Kalahandi: A Planet of Herbs</b> / Director: Amarendra Kishore / 28 minutes / English/Hindi
An act to provide for conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources, knowledge and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Whereas India is rich in biological diversity and associated traditional and contemporary knowledge system relating thereto.
India s soils are in a bad shape. <font class=UCASE>T V Jayan</font> investigates
Fertilisers boost plant growth but imbalanced application soon leads to use-fatigue
Can Indian traditional medicines transfer their ancient efficacy to the modern era?
Agricultural growth in India has always laboured under the burden of producing more. The idea was: grow only foodgrains. That meant: not ecologically adapted cereals such as millets, but rice and
A third factor has led to the current debility of soils in India: irrigation. That is to say, water over-use. To feed the rice-wheat mentality, net irrigated area rose from 20.8 million ha in 1950 to
The domino effect of bad policy-making and its fallout
Soils are a very slow renewable resource. To reclaim them requires, above all, a long-term plan. With falling productivity, the realisation has sunk in that soils cannot be blindly mined, and that
High office and scientific understanding seem further apart today