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  • Rio and Bioresources

    The contentious issue of management, utilisation and conservation of bioresources was sought to be resolved in 1992 with the signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the Rio Summit.

  • Human locusts?

    In his foreword to this collection of essays, Timothy E Writh of the US State Department asserts that "the Clinton administration is poised to take a leadership role on global population and

  • Forests faults

    The area under forest cover in India has been a subject of controversy and intense debate between the Forest Department anf the environmental groups and researchers. As more and more remote sensing

  • Classical conservation

    Bharatnatyam dancer Komala Vardhan, who performed a dance recital on the World Environment Day in Delhi has been staging her composition Prakritim Vande, which is a tribute to the

  • Just deserts

    International law is heading rapidly towards protecting the environment; it will gradually replace the initiative taken by national governments to base such laws on national public opinion. Between

  • Conservation the practical path

    Conservation the practical path

    Since it is apparently de rigeur for every reviewer to begin with a criticism, it will be best to follow PeoL What could be Wamcbmt than the that the book Mrately the reader? Altho MIS

  • For a new world order

    For a new world order

    IT'S still the age of ideas despite the failure and death of ideologies and dearth of seminal ideas to rescue the collapsing fundamentals of social order and societies. Development and

  • Children of green stars!

    What does your star foretell - are you born an environmentalist? So said Enviro-astronomical Star Gazer, a Central Pollution Control Board advertisement in, all major Indian newspapers,

  • Treasure islands

    Treasure islands

    The Andaman & Nicobar islands (A&N) -literally "treasured Islands" - have enticed many gold- diggers, but this time, a no-profit project is on here. Aiming to enrich the islanders'

  • Green wheels

    Green wheels

    THE World Commission on Environmental Development, 1987, gave way to the famous Brundtland Commission Report titled Our Common Future. This report, for the first time, made 'sustainability' a

  • Turning out new leaves

    Turning out new leaves

    <font class='UCASE'><b>Roots of Datia </b></font><font class='UCASE'> </font><br><i>Directed by K Bikram Singh</i><font class='UCASE'> </font> 30 mins <font class='UCASE'> </font> English <font class='UCASE'> </font><br> Format: Betacam <font class='UCA

  • Bird s eye view

    Bird s eye view

    the title of the book might convey the impression that it is limited to birds and their habitats. But it actually gives an exhaustive overview of the environment, with birds as the parameter for

  • Private and public poverty

    Private and public poverty

    the post-war consensus on poverty alleviation was shattered by a truculent critique of the welfare state from the combative conservative right in us in the early '80s. Apart from the rising costs

  • Reshaping the future

    THE stability of the ecosystem on a global scale has become a central concern in the post-Cold War era. This crisis cannot be resolved by wishing away endemic consumerism or expecting governments

  • The cost of money

    the way humankind has dealt with the environment has undergone numerous changes over the ages. The earliest civilisations revered the personifications of nature. This attitude changed over time and

  • New battlegrounds

    New battlegrounds

    > this book is one of the eight books in the Worldwatch Insti-tute's Environment Alert series and raises some contem-porary issues concerning global security. The first part of the book deals

  • A welcome drop

    A welcome drop

    THE southern state of Kerala has performed extraordinarily in the areas of public health, education, family welfare and adult literacy. Its success in areas other than population control are easier

  • Himalayan plunder

    Himalayan plunder

    THE book is a compilation of 42 papers contributed by social, physical and environment scientists who are working with issues that confront the Himalayas. The first three papers deal with the

  • Moving mountains

    Moving mountains

    FIRST published in 1997, the book is a contribution to Chapter 13 of Agenda 21 of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (unced). The world's mountains finally received the

  • Notch in the  mountains

    Notch in the mountains

    PERHAPS no other geographical location attracts researchers, non-governmental organisations and social workers like the Indian Himalaya does. Yet, despite all the effort and finances that have gone

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