
Human chauvinism

  • 27/02/2005

Fighting for animal rights is a crime. At least the British think so. As part of the Serious and Organised Crime Bill, the government recently proposed up to five years of jail sentences for animal rights activists who impede the use of animals in medical research.

"The simple fact is that attacks by animal rights extremists put medical breakthroughs in areas like aids, cancer and Alzheimer's directly at risk,' said Patricia Hewitt, trade and industry secretary. The step aims to protect all those associated with animal experimentation, from suppliers to building contractors and couriers and cleaners. While researchers welcomed the move, activists warned it will worsen the situation. Simon Butler, campaign coordinator for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said it will make people more aggressive. "There is no practical reason for this new legislation other than for the government to ingratiate itself with the pharmaceutical industry.'

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