
"No harm learning experience"

Why are you opposed to cement plants?
They are the biggest polluters and they must not find a place in the sensitive environs of the fragile hills. Environmental destruction in the name of development cannot be tolerated.

A state like Himachal Pradesh must always depend on e(S-friendly industries for revenue and employment. Exploitation of hydel power and tourism should be the foundation of our economy. Cement plants and mining will only'damage our tourism industry.

As the two major cement plants in the state we're set up during Congress rule, does the Congress party now have any moral right to oppose similar p rojects?
I am sure it is morally right to learn from experience. The BJP government argues that the proposed projects will have adequate safeguards to check pollution, Have they succeeded in enforcing safeguards in the existing plants? There is so much pollution today.

If the Congress comes to power in the state, will you exert pressure to shelve the proposed cement projects?
Yes, I will try my best to shelve them.

BJP leaders allege the Congress is opposing the cement plants because they resent the political gains that would accrue to the BJP from sanc- tioning large industrial -projects. Any comment?
If they really do something worthwhile for the state, I will defi- nitely congratulate them. But under no circumstances will I ever agree to their policy on cement plants and mining.

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