Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding non-functioning STP in a residential project in Panipat, Haryana, 21/02/2024
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Varun Gulati Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 21/02/2024.
The applicant has raised the grievance against M/s Ansal Properties & Infrastructure Ltd. and M/s TDI Infratech Ltd. situated in Panipat, Haryana and the allegation is that the aforesaid respondents have developed a residential project at Panipat, Haryana but the STP is not functioning. As a result of which the untreated sewage is being discharged in green belt or into the drain which is proving detrimental to the environment as well as to the public health. It was further alleged that the respondents with the help of the tractor tankers collect and discharge their untreated sewage either into the green belt/open land or into the nearby drain no. 2 which goes and emerges directly into river Yamuna. Further allegation was that the overflowed sewage gives a very foul and obnoxious smell and that the developers have not obtained the consent to operate (CTO) and Environmental Clearance from the concerned department.

The tribunal directed the constitution of a joint committee to visit the site, ascertain the correct position on the spot and the extent of violation and also suggest remedial measures. The report has to be submitted by the committee within six weeks. The next listing of case is on May 1, 2024.