Report by the State Pollution Control Board, Sikkim on CETP/STP, 19/10/2023
Report by the State Pollution Control Board, Sikkim in response to the National Green Tribunal order.
CETPs have not been established in the state of Sikkim. All industrial units have captive treatment facilities. The captive facilities in pharmaceutical formulation industries are equipped with Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring System (OCEMS). The OCEMS data is transmitted to the SPCB-Sikkim server on a real time basis for display in the SPCB's website for public information.
There are 9 STPs which cater mainly to the urban local bodies population. However, in light of the recent flash floods that occurred in the state on October 4, the STPs located in Melli, Singtam and Rangpo have been reported to be damaged.

The sewage that is generated in rural areas is treated in a captive manner. In implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin Phase II, households are also being encouraged to retrofit existing single pit septic tanks to twin pit model.
The Public Health and Engineering Department (PHED) has proposed 6 STPs, of which the Gangtok Zone III, Tathangchen STP is expected to be completed by December 2023.