Joint committee report on the impact of sea level rise on the islands and frame policy and measures to protect these islands, 10/10/2023
Report of the joint committee to study the impact of sea level rise on the islands and frame policy and measures to protect these islands dated October 10, 2023.
The report was in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order, July 11, 2023.
The report recommended undertaking field-based topographic surveys essential to map the accurate inundation of the island under different climate change scenarios. And adopting new policies and advanced technologies to avoid any expected infrastructure damage due to natural hazards and particularly to coastal erosion.
Other recommendations include adopting green coastal infrastructure (GCI) as a shore protective measure along the eroding coasts to control the seasonal erosion patterns and to act as bio-shields against coastal hazards. This will include plantation of mangroves, salt marsh, coastal dune vegetation and other halophytic vegetation. Exotic species such as Casuarina or other species should be discouraged, the report urged.

Hybrid and natural structures that are not 100 per cent hard solutions but a combination of vegetation and eco-friendly materials, submerged reefs, artificial reefs, oyster reefs and undertaking coral and seagrass transplantation and coral gardening need to be promoted. These mitigation measures in identified hotspots will help in restoration of degraded reefs and seagrass beds, the report said.
The joint committee was composed of officials from the National Institute of Oceanography, National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management and Survey of India.