Report on composting technology adopted by Ecoman Enviro Solutions, 17/04/2023
Report on composting technology adopted by Ecoman Enviro Solutions in compliance of the National Green Tribunal orders (January 10, 2023 and February 27, 2023).
An expert group carried out the assessment of the technology of the composting using the said technology at Gold Cliff, Anand Infracon, Parande Nagar Dighii, Pune, Maharashtra.
The report said that Ecoman's Composting machine was fully automatic and compact in size and was effectively able to compost the waste. Concentration level of all monitored Ambient Air Quality parameters within stipulated limits. However, foul odour was reported in the vicinity of the composting machine. There is no water pollution as all excess water is evaporated in the composting process.

The composting technology is an energy intensive process The report said that composting technology adopted by M/s. Ecoman Enviro Solutions, can be used for processing solid waste post implementation of certain measures. It can be used in areas where properly segregated solid waste can be made available and proper operation and maintenance of the process can be ensured.