Affidavit by TSTRANSCO over laying of high electric transmission towers through Mrugavani National Park, Chilkur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 20/03/2023
Reply affidavit filed by TSTRANSCO before the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahesh Mamindla & Others Vs State of Telangana & Others dated 20/03/2023.
The report stated that the space available between the ORR and service lane is approximately 2 meters at Mrugvani forest area. A storm water drain is also existing between the ORR and the service lane. TSTRANSCO had erected an approximately 1,458 km length line of 400 KV DC line from Kethireddypally-Rayadurg through forest land.
The forest department cleared the trees for a length of 1,458 km with corridor width 46 meters for erection of 400 KV Kethireddypally-Rayadurg DC line. TSTRANSCO had already paid the required amount to divert the equivalent forest land of 6.7076 hectares.

The requisite approvals were granted by the forest department as well as the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) - work was commenced on receipt of working permission.
A plea was filed before the National Green Tribunal against the laying of high tension electric transmission towers cutting through Mrugavani National Park located at Chilkur, Hyderabad by Mahesh Mamindla.