Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding violation of environmental norms in the operation of a bio medical facility, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, 16/03/2023
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dr. Tushar Chandrakant Nehete Vs State of Maharashtra dated 16/03/2023.
Grievance in the application is against violation of environmental norms in operation of bio-medical waste facility of Masai biomedical waste enterprises Pvt. Ltd. at Jalgaon, Maharashtra. According to the applicant, the license given to it has expired but it is collecting money from the contributors of waste. Its vehicles do not follow the laid down guidelines. The waste is not being collected from 95 per cent of the registered centers particularly those in villages and other remote areas. Bio medical waste is collected only from a few places on alternative days. Rs. 200/- to 500/- per nursing home is collected towards diesel cost without receipts. Charges are also collected for bio-medical plastic bags. Extra money is collected from the customers. Rs. 25,000/- to Rs. 30,000/- is collected from each practitioner and no proper record is maintained.

Having regard to the above, the NGT directed Maharashtra Pollution Control Board to look into the matter and take such remedial measures as necessary for ensuring compliance of Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016. It may be ensured that the performance of BMW facility is duly assessed with reference to the quantum of BMW generated at Jalgaon and facilities created to manage the waste. State PCB may also check up compliance with EC conditions and compliance of Rule 5(q) of the BMW Rules with regard to setting up and performance of the incinerator.