Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding brick kiln violating siting criteria rules, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, 15/03/2023
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Kuldeep Singh Vs M/s Choudhary Brick Works & Others dated 15/03/2023.
Grievance in the application is against operation of brick kiln of M/s. Chaudhary Brick Works in district Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh in violation of environmental norms. According to the applicant, there is no consent under the Air Act, 1981 nor siting criteria laid down in 'The Uttar Pradesh brick kilns (siting criteria for establishment) rules, 2012 has been followed. The unit is within 100 meters from village habitation, 50 meters from Shaheed Smarak and 800 meters from existing brick kiln.

The NGT directed the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board and the District Magistrate, Moradabad to verify factual position and take remedial action in accordance with law within two months.