Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution by ACC Chanda Cement Company, Nakoda, district Chandrapur, Maharashtra, 13/03/2023
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Suresh Malhari Paikarao Vs State of Maharashtra dated 13/03/2023.
The matter related to a cement company, ACC Chanda Cement Company at Nakoda, Ghughus, tehsil and district Chandrapur, Maharashtra which is burning waste clothes, expired medicines, hair, animal carcass, plastic etc. causing serious health hazards to local residents, animals and agricultural land. The garbage is brought from cities like Nagpur, Mumbai, Pune, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Bengaluru etc. to be used as fuel for burning which is causing rise in ambient temperature and water pollution in river Vardha making the only drinking water source unfit for consumption. A large number of trucks are parked within 40-50 mtrs. from the residential area in vicinity of the proponent and this is also causing noise and air pollution to the residents.
The tribunal was of the opinion that the issue must be first looked into by the local authorities and directed constitution of a joint committee comprising the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and the District Magistrate, Chandrapur.

The committee has been directed to visit the site, collect relevant information and in the event of any violation of environmental laws and norms, appropriate remedial action has to be taken in accordance with law within two months. District Magistrate, Chandrapur will be nodal agency for coordination and compliance.