Joint committee report on pollution of Phalguni river, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, 11/10/2022
Report of the Joint Committee appointed in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order, April 29, 2022 regarding flow of industrial effluents into Phalguni river resulting in fish kill.
A media report said that hundreds of fishes were found dead and floating in Phalguni (Gurupura) river, downstream of Maravooru vented dam, following the flow of industrial and domestic effluents into the river. The colour of the river has turned black due to the effluents released by the industries in Baikampady industrial area in Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka.
The joint committee informed the court that residential and commercial developments are seen on either side of the river and no underground drainage in certain areas. Even in sewered areas, there are missing links. Major and minor storm water drains were observed to be joining the river and plenty of organic load was observed at Kudroli, Sulthan Batteri, Dambel, Kulur Church and ELF Gas. Solid waste was found floating in the storm water drains which joined the river.

Dumping/disposal of sewage collected from Hotels and selected industries and from other residential areas through cess pool at selected places along the banks of river back water, which needs a proper investigation, the joint committee observed.
Upstream of the Gurupura river about 6 K.M. from Baikampady industrial area is built a vented dam which is the drinking water source for Maravooru Grama Panchayath limit. The dam was built in the year 2016-17. Since the construction of the dam, the river doesn’t get minimum flow and during summer seasons fish kill incidents are happening in the river during summer seasons due to build-up of organic load as a result of inadequate flushing.