
Is Pobitora being encroached ?

We talk of herds of wild elephants creating havoc in human habitats. But what about humans who encroach on land especially reserved for wildlife. This has come to light when Early Birds, an NGO working for conservation of wildlife went on a cattle vaccination programme to Chanaka and Bharoitari, both fringe villages of Pobitora wildlife sanctuary. These villages are behind the Burha Mayang hill range and have no road connectivity. The team members of the NGO said that they could see a few dwelling houses next to a wildlife sentry camp and around 100-120 such houses of semi-permanent nature had sprang up in the riverside char areas just opposite to the sentry camp. The NGO said that this kind of settlements is a potential threat to the sanctuary and demanded that the park authorities with the help of the Morigaon and Darrang district administration evict the encroachers. The Early Birds team during the programme vaccinated 412 cattle including buffaloes. A large number of free medicines were also distributed.