Monitoring Committee report (7th) on compliance of MSW Rules 2016 in Haryana and Chandigarh, 23/06/2021
7th report of the Monitoring Committee constituted by the orders of the National Green Tribunal in OA No. 606 of 2018 in the matter of the compliance of the Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2016 for the state of Haryana and union territory Chandigarh, submitted June 23, 2021.

Haryana should adopt two approaches for management of solid waste. In the cluster based approach, 14 suitable sites for setting up of solid waste processing plants under 13 clusters have been identified, out of which there are 2 waste to energy clusters namely Sonepat-Panipat (700 TPD) and Gurugram-Faridabad (2300 TPD).
13 suitable sites against the requirement of 14 sites for setting up of solid waste processing facilities and regional sanitary landfill facilities under 13 clusters based on integrated solid waste management (ISWM) approach have been procured.
The Monitoring Committee recommended that 807 bulk waste generators should construct wet waste processing facilities in their premises within one month. All the urban local bodies (ULB) of Haryana should issue necessary directions to bulk waste generators identified by them to make agreement with concerned ULB for collection, transportation and processing of dry waste scientifically at materials recovery facility (MRF) sites with suitable user charges to be paid to ULBs.
The report was uploaded to the NGT site, August 17, 2022.