Order of the Supreme Court regarding computation of the water consumption from April 2010 to March 2020 to be paid by ACC Limited, Chhattisgarh, 11/01/2022
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of ACC Limited Vs State of Chhattisgarh & Others dated 11/01/2022. The matter relates to the computation of the water consumption from April 2010 to March 2020 and the amount payable thereon.

The state of Madhya Pradesh has re-computed the amount due from ACC Limited, the appellant. In respect of the cement plant, the due amount was assessed to be Rs. 3,60,53,073/-, out of which Rs.69,81,613/- is outstanding. Similarly, in respect of captive power plant, a sum of Rs. 1,97,74,322/- was assessed to be due, out of which Rs. 3,71,756/- is outstanding.
Counsel for ACC Limited stated that the industry accepts the computation made by the state and seeks two months’ time to make the payment of such amount.
The Supreme Court directed the industry to pay the outstanding amount of water consumption charges within a period of two months and disposed of the application.