Response by M/s Tyche Industries Ltd. on the reactor blast at the pharmaceutical unit, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, 28/08/2021
Response by M/s Tyche Industries Ltd. to the report of the Joint Committee in O.A. No. 79 of 2021 (News item published in The Hindu dated 14/03/2021 titled 'Safety lapses led to reactor blast at pharma unit').

The NGT initiated proceedings suo motu based on media report that a massive fire had engulfed the production plant managed by M/s Tyche Industries Limited. There was an explosion of the 3,000 kg reactor at the production wing of TIL on the outskirts of Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, March 11, 2021. In the accident, 2 supervisors were killed and 4 workers were injured.
The NGT, March 16, 2021 had directed the constitution of a five member joint committee to ascertain facts, determine responsibility, assess the extent and the final compensation required to be paid for damage to the environment as well as loss of lives, injuries and steps required to be taken for preventing such occurrences in the future.
M/s Tyche Industries Ltd. in its report said that the unit had complied with all its obligations under various statutes and had obtained the necessary approvals. It had consent under the Water Act, the Air Act and authorization under Hazardous Waste Rules, 2016 from the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) which is valid till 2025. The unit also had the necessary environmental clearance (EC) from the MoEF&CC as well as clearance for operation (CFO) from the APPCB for the manufacture of certain products.
At the same time, periodic compliance reports were also submitted to the respective authorities. The APPCB had been making periodic and regular inspections at the premises for ascertaining physical compliances of statutory requirements. The report stated that the employees present at the time of the incident were experienced and competent enough to handle such complex handling of the production of the process and machinery involved while having competent supervisors for the same.