PPCB report on Trident Ltd. , village Dhaula, tehsil and district Barnala, Punjab, 28/07/2021
Report by the Punjab Pollution Control Board on M/s Trident Ltd. (Towel Division and Paper & Chemical Division).

The National Green Tribunal (NGT), June 24, 2020 had directed the PPCB to act upon the recommendations of the Joint Committee.
The PPCB report, July 28, 2021 informed the court that both the units were achieving effluent and emission standards as prescribed by the SPCB. However, in respect of the paper division, the industry is required to achieve emission norms of 75 mg/Nm3 as per stipulation of Environmental Clearance granted by MoEF&CC - the industry is presently achieving SPM in the range of 102-129 mg/NM3. The industry has been directed by the PPCB to upgrade its existing APCB so as to achieve the norm of 75 mg/Nm3).
The industry vide letter, April 27, 2021 has informed the PPCB that technical offers from 3 suppliers on the Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) upgradation have been received and the progress has been hampered due to COVID-19. The industry has requested to extend the target timelines to September, 2022.