Report by the Erode city municipal corporation on the matter of dried Cauvery river filled up with waste water, 07/06/2021
Report by the Erode city municipal corporation submitted to the National Green Tribunal on the matter of dried Cauvery river filled up with waste water.
Sewage of 33.75 MLD is generated from Erode city municipal corporation limit. The corporation has installed a sewage treatment plant with a capacity of 50.55 MILD (MBBR technology) at Peelamedu village, Vendipalayam. At present 15000 households are connected to sewage treatment plant through under ground drainage sewerage systems (UGDSS) and 6.00 MLD of sewage generated from these 15000 households is conveyed to the sewage treatment plant (STP). The treated sewage after meeting the standards is discharged into Perumpallam Odai (canal) which finally joins with river Cauvery.

The UGSS for another 75000 households would be completed before May 2022. The sewage generated from 10000 households is treated through septic tanks. The septage collected from this septic tank has been treated in STP so that no sullage would be mixed in Cauvery in future.
The solid waste management activities are being carried out as per Solid Waste Management rules 2016.
The existing legacy waste in the river bank of Cauvery at Vairapalayam is being cleared through bio mining technology. As of now no solid waste and legacy waste is polluting the river. The existing legacy waste in Vendipalayam dumping yard is being processed. Around 2 lakh cubic meter of legacy waste has already been processed and the remaining 4 lakh cubic meter of legacy waste would be cleared by December 2022.