Order of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court regarding financial assistance to lawyers affected by the lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir, 01/06/2021
Order of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court in the matter of M. Abubakar Pandit Vs Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir & Others dated 01/06/2021. The matter related to grant of financial assistance of Rs. 25,000 each to advocates, who are in actual practice within the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Also request for direction to formulate a medical and life insurance policy for the welfare of the advocates and their family members practicing in the High Court and District Court within the UT of Jammu and Kashmir.

The court directed "the government to come with clear stand qua release of amount as financial aid to the lawyers on the patterns of already issued guidelines in the previous financial year, when similar type of lockdown/restrictions were imposed on account of Covid-19 epidemic.