Order of the High Court of Bombay at Goa on death of COVID-19 patients due to dearth of oxygen, Goa, 13/05/2021
Order passed by the High Court of Bombay at Goa in the matter of State of Goa & Others Vs Armando Gonsalves & Others dated 13/05/2021. The matter related to COVID-19 related casualties at the Goa Medical College due to lack of oxygen supply.

The Health Secretary has informed the court that steps have been taken to install a tank for storage of oxygen at the Goa Medical College and would be completed by May 17, 2021. The state Nodal Officer said that there was no issue of oxygen flow meters and steps were being taken to augment the flow meters to cope up with the increase in COVID-19 patients.
The issue of filling up of empty cylinders, particularly by NGOs like Red Cross, Rotary Club and other individuals would be sorted soon the Advocate General said and in respect of genuine cases, arrangements would be made to issue the necessary NOCs so that no problem arises in filling up the cylinders.