Order of the Supreme Court regarding supply of oxygen to states and UTs for treating COVID-19 patients, 06/05/2021
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Union of India Vs Rakesh Malhotra & Others dated 06/05/2021. The matter related to supply of oxygen for treating COVID-19 patients. The court said that there was a need to ensure that the allotments of medical oxygen to the states and UTs is made on a scientific, rational and equitable basis.

The Union government has agreed to set up a National Task Force. This Task Force would be tasked with formulating a methodology for the scientific allocation of oxygen to the states and UTs. The task force would also be responsible for conducing audits to ensure "accountability in respect of the supplies of oxygen provided to every State/UT," the SC order of May 6, 2021 said. This would ensure that the supplies were reaching their destination.