Affidavit filed by the Union of India on steps taken to address COVID-19 situation in the country, 09/05/2021
Affidavit filed by the Union of India in the matter of 'In Re: Distribution of essential supplies and services during pandemic' dated 09/05/2021.
The affidavit mentioned that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) had issued a guidance document on April 7, 2020 for setting up three tier health infrastructure for appropriate management of suspect/confirmed COVID-19 cases in all states and Union Territories.

With respect to vaccination policy, the affidavit stated that the "executive functioning of the government needs discretion to formulate policy in larger interest. It is submitted that in view of the unprecedented and peculiar circumstances under which vaccination drive is devised as an executive policy, the wisdom of the executive should be trusted."
With regard to health care workers working in COVID-19 environment, the SC was informed that they were trained on multiple platforms for differential skill sets appropriate to their level for managing COVID-19. Key areas for training involved surveillance, contact tracing , supervision of home isolation, laboratory support, clinical management and risk communication. The healthcare workers were also provided with hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis and prevention of infection. MoHFW also issued an advisory to that affect on 23rd March 2020.