MPCB report on Panchganga river pollution, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, 18/12/2020
Action taken report by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board in Original Applicaton No 988/2018 in compliance with National Green Tribunal order July 16, 2020 on steps to stop discharge of Panchganga river pollution. The report mentioned that 96 MLD sewage was generated in Kolhapur Municipal Corporation area. Out of which 90 MLD has been diverted to sewage treatment plant and treated. The work of diverting balance 6.0 MLD domestic waste water flowing through various nallah to sewage treatment plants was to be completed by May 2020 - however, the work was not yet complete.

The MPCB was also regularly monitoring the quality of treated effluent of sewage treatment plants. This treated effluent was used for agriculture and excess was discharged into Panchganga river.
Note: The report of December 18, 2020 was uploaded to the NGT site on February 24, 2021