Joint Committee report on the bio composting plant at Adgaon Khurd village, district Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 08/12/2020
Inspection report by a Joint Committee in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order of August 19, 2020 with respect to Original Application No. 12/2020 filed by Subhash Gadekar Vs State of Maharashtra & Others dated 08/12/2020.

The applicants are local farmers and possessors of the agricultural land at Adgaon Khurd village, district Aurangabad. The application stated that a bio composting plant of M/s Radico NV Distilleries was located approximately 600 meters from the land of the local farmers. The industry was not having proper management and provision of scientific treatment of its effluents and the same is percolating into the land and has contaminated the well water.
The Committee members visited the bio compost plant and noted that the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board had issued consent for the bio composting activity for products of bio compost for 9500 metric tonnes per annum, which is valid for the period up to August 31, 2023.
The Collector, Aurangabad proposed some measures that the industry should follow which include the following:
- Provide RCC platform for the composting area with proper leak proof by lining
- The industry should provide dig trench with black cotton soil and plastic sheet around the boundary of the composting site to avoid the percolation and lateral capillary movement of liquid
- The industry should strictly comply with the conditions stipulated in Consent to Operate and Environmental Clearance, directions issued by the NGT, CPCB and MPCB
- The industry should maintain a record of daily receipt of spent wash and compost disposed each day
- The industry should adopt incineration technology to the zero liquid generation of spent wash.