Oversight committee report on steps to control pollution of river Kosi by industrial activities, Uttar Pradesh, 19/11/2020
Updated report of Oversight Committee in compliance of National Green Tribunal order passed in Original Application No. 324/2016.
The issue for consideration is pollution being caused in Kosi River in Rampur District by polluting industrial activities. River Bhella in Moradabad is a tributary of Kosi River in Rampur which is a tributary of Ramganga which in turn is a tributary of river Ganga. Though pollution is caused in these rivers by industries situated both in UP and Uttarakhand, this Oversight Committee considered the units situated only in UP because there is a separate Oversight Committee for Uttarakhand.

The Oversight Committee headed by Justice S V S Rathore of November 19, 2020 recommended that all units abstracting groundwater should be directed to get water audit conducted to assess the actual water requirement of the plant as well as for assessment of the requirement which could be met from other sources like surface water, reuse of treated water or water harvesting. All such industries should discuss with municipal bodies to find out the ways to use treated water for industrial purposes. A holistic plan which could lead to minimal wastage of water - which should be prepared and made operational.
The industries should be directed to install tertiary water treatment facilities to make the water suitable for drinking and consumption. With respect to quality control of ground water, shallow borewells could be dug around all such units and water samples be periodically analysed by Central Groundwater Authority (CGWA)/state groundwater authority (SGWA) for any traces of contamination.