Report on the waste processing facility, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra, 21/09/2020
Written submissions by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board in the matter of Sus Road Baner Vikas Manch Vs PMC & Others in Original Application No. 34/2019 (Western Zonal Bench).
The matter relates to a segregation and crushing facility in Baner, Pune. The NGT vide order September 5, 2019 directed constitution of a committee comprising of the Central Pollution Control Board and the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) to inspect the plant and area in question and submit the report.
The MPCB had granted authorization in December 2, 2015 under Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 to M/s Noble Exchange Environment Solution to set up and operate crushing of food waste slurry at Baner. The crushed organic waste slurry from the segregation and crushing facility at Baner was proposed to be transported to M/s Noble Exchange Environment Solutions site at Ambi, taluka Maval, Pune for bio-methanation of the slurry.
The MPCB further granted authorisation May 4, 2017 having validity till December 21, 2021 wherein the Municipal Commissioner, Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) was authorised to setup and operate waste processing/recycling/treatment/disposal facility at various sites including the plant in question located at survey No. 48/2/1 at Baner, taluka Haveli, Pune and M/s Noble Exchange Environment Solution as operating agency for crushing of food waste (300 MT/day).
The waste processing facility under question has 3 components. They comprise of waste hopper (where food waste is unloaded from vehicles), conveyer belt for manual segregation and shredder under covered shed.
The slurry is transferred to closed slurry storage tank of capacity 240 kl from where slurry in loaded through pipe to tankers for transportation to its bio-methanation site at Ambi village, taluka Maval, Pune. The entire activities from hopper to shredding are carried in closed shed except hopper area which is open from front site. Five turbo ventilators have been provided to the said closed shed and the sucked air is passed through activated charcoal to control odour. To control odour release from the slurry storage tank, suction is maintained in the slurry storage tank and the sucked air is passed through activated charcoal followed by lime water and vented through roof top. Water consumption is about 6.5 KLD and is procured through tankers.
In addition to above, it was informed that waste water of about 500 litre per metric ton of waste being shredded is used during shredding and slurry preparation. The said waste water is transported through tanker from their bio-methanation site at Ambi village. Domestic effluent of about 2 KLD is treated in septic tank and overflow is connected to sewerage system of PMC directly through underground drainage. Floor wash effluent of about 1.5 KLD is also channelized to the sewerage system directly through underground drainage.
Segregation rejects such as plastic bags, plastic spoons constitute 10% of the food waste. The segregated rejects are being handed over to PMC.
The report said that though measures like misting, fogging and treatment of vent from shed and the slurry storage tank have been taken by the plant operator for odour control but officials of joint inspection felt prevalence of odour in and around the plant premises. There are about 15 residential apartments within 200 metre radius from centre of the plant.
Note: The report of September 21, 2020 was uploaded to the NGT site on October 19, 2020.