Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding EIA given to the proposed onshore oil and gas development, Mechaki area, Tinsukia, Assam, 17/09/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mridu Paban Phukon & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 17/09/2020. This Appeal seeks to assail Environmental Clearance (EC) April 9, 2020 granted by the MoEF&CC in favour of M/s. Oil India Ltd. (OIL) for the proposed onshore oil & gas development drilling and production in Mechaki area covering Mechaki, Mechaki Extension, Baghjan and Tinsukia Extension PMLs in district Tinsukia, Assam by OIL.

The proposed project is stated to be in a highly ecologically sensitive and fragile area, where the Mechaki block is located in close proximity to the Dibru-Saikhowa National Park, the Maguri-Motapung wetland complex and is part of the Dehing Patkai Elephant Reserve. It is alleged that the EC has been granted in violation of the EIA Notification, 2006 in as much as the project proponent has concealed material informations in Form-1 regarding requirement of cumulative impact assessment as well as the location in a highly ecological sensitive and biodiversity rich landscape which includes a National Park, an important bird area as well as an elephant reserve.
The NGT directed the MoEF&CC to submit a report on matter. The matter has been listed again before the NGT on November 10, 2020.