Agenda Item 8: Progress update on the implementation of the UNEA-4 Pollution Action Plan
It presents an update on the progress on the implementation of the Pollution Action Plan adopted at UNEA-4 in resolution 4/21, including some highlights in implementing the specific deliverables identified in the Plan. The Plan aims to build synergies across the work of UNEP and to provide the glue across the dimensions of pollution, i.e. air, water, land/soil, marine and coastal pollution and the crosscutting issue of chemicals and waste through improved coordination, information sharing, communication and reporting. It identifies five capacity gaps and related action areas and specific accelerators to promote a transition towards a pollution-free planet, for improved knowledge, implementation, infrastructure, awareness, and leadership. To address these capacity gaps, the Plan identifies a list of specific deliverables, and a tentative budget. The plan also aims to strengthen the linkages with pollution-related forums and global efforts such as the SDGs, multilateral environmental agreements, and strategic approaches.